
  • Class struggles in Denmark
  • On the trails of the great strike struggles: Tour of the Port of Hamburg
  • Pad­dling on the Elbe River
  • Dan­ish for beginners
  • Tour­na­ments, relax­ing, spend­ing time out­doors, get­ting to know people
  • The Response to Fas­cism: 100 years since the Ham­burg Uprising
  • What to do against Ger­man arm deliveries?
  • What to do against youth officers at school?
  • Can there still be a bour­geois peace today?

par­ti­cipant price: 150;- // Regis­tra­tion and fur­ther inform­a­tion at:

more details com­ing soon


fino a che ce ne sarà
che fat­ica che ti chie­doooo
oggi devi sciopera’

E avanti insieme
uniti a lot­tare
tutta la set­ti­m­ana
la passo qui con te

E non c’è resa
non c’è rasseg­nazione
ma solo tanta rab­bia
che cresce den­tro me

Beset­zen wir heut die Fab­rik!
Wer besitzt, der hat das Sagen.
Die Her­rn da droben braucht es nicht.

Und dam­it neh­men
wir uns nur, was schon uns ist
Denn unsrer Hände Arbeit hat alles hingestellt.

Beset­zen wir die Waf­fenschmieden!
Kein­en Pan­zer, kein Gewehr
kein­en Zug für‘s Militär

Denn deutsche Waf­fen
Sind bestens aufge­hoben
unterm Arsch der Her­rn dort oben
Wir schießen sie zum Mond!

Let’s occupy the fact­ory today!
Who owns, calls the shots.
It does­n’t need the gen­tle­men up there.

And by that
We only take what is already ours
For the work of our hands
has pro­duced everth­ing there is.

Let’s occupy the armor­ies!
Not a tank, not a rifle
no train for the military

Because Ger­man weapons
Are in the best of hands
under the ass of the gen­tle­men up there
We’ll shoot them to the moon.