Peoples of Europe — rise up!
The danger of world war hangs over the continent like a threatening storm. For the stock portfolios of billionaire monopoly bosses in the Deutsche Bank and the Société Générale, the peoples of Europe shall to go through the meat grinder of war. The emerging war economy, intensifies the robbery and destruction of oppressed peoples and nature. With even greater speed, the planet is on the brink of collapse. The next valuable raw material deposits are torn from the earth to be senselessly devoured by the war machine. The few bright spots of industrial progress and scientific breakthroughs are destroyed or turned into brutal machines of destruction. Ammunition, tanks, artillery — the arsenals of the military are emptied and shipped east. The profit machine is humming, the share prices of the arms industry are shooting through the roof, once again the great war is to save the billionaires from their never-ending crisis. So that Møller-Mærsk retains control of the maritime trade. So that the German monopolists can grab the wheat, the black earth and the titanium deposits of the Ukraine, so that the French and German generals and managers can continue to plunder the peoples of Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe from their fortress in Brussels. Every day that this world remains in the clutches of the exploiting class is a lost day for humanity. In our countries, this rule of the bourgeoisie means deindustrialisation, deskilling, destruction and war against other peoples and the threat of fascism. What serves the exploiters, the German, French and also Danish, destroys the future and the life of the youth.
But Fortress Europe is built on sand. The port and steel workers of Italy, the British railway workers and the French refinery workers are already making the fortress tremble. The general strike in Greece and the struggle of the entire French people against Macron’s emergency regime shows that the working class is strong. We are in the prime of our history, we can overcome defeats and gather our strength again. Imperialism is weak, the rule of the tiny clique of financial speculators and billionaires becomes more unstable the more the struggling workers in Europe move from their economic demands to their political struggles.
The peoples have no interest in paying for the predatory wars of the monopolists with their labour or the lives of their children. The wars of the exploiters are wars against the proletariat and the liberation of the people. How long the infirmity of this last exploiting society will continue, how many more wars they can instigate, is solely a question of the working class, the peoples, the fighting youth of all countries. A question of how quickly we build our bastions, our organisations, our power to liberate humanity and build socialism.
It is we, the working youth, who will either end this war by being at the forefront of the uprising against the exploiters, or our generation will go into the horrors of the peoples sloughter. Building and operating the hightech machines, the Eurofighters, Eurohawks, Leclerc and Leopards, the logistics, the dirty work in the trenches, for all this the militarists need the workers youth. Capitalism still has nothing to offer us but this murderer’s craft. The bitter experience of our Ukrainian and Russian brothers and sisters dictates to us, as to them: Revolt against the war!
Our most important task is: to find the fastest and most effective way to lead the proletarian revolution to victory and on this way to banish the danger of a third imperialist world war, which could possibly wipe out humanity.
- For this, the common practical act is necessary.
- So that our slogan “Revolutions end wars — Peace is red” is one that the youth of our and other countries make their own!